The 3 Myths That Are Crippling Your Self-Care Efforts
After thousands of treatments and 2 decades in holistic care, I’ve noticed 3 mindset obstacles that keep most people from achieving a self-care routine they love that nets consistent relief, progress and success. Here they are:
1. I need a hands-on treatment for physical relief.
The immediate relief from a massage can feel necessary and cathartic. But the relief will be temporary if only the soft tissue is treated. In this self-care model, regular treatments are required to continuously restore relief. If you desire a deeper, lasting relief, you ALSO need to treat the sensory stimuli, memory, belief or trigger that is causing the physical tension pattern. Only when you see and release all these layers, will you find a deep, more complete relief that you can feel on every level. This is why Craniosacral Therapy and other integrative therapies are beloved, popular and respected worldwide.
2. I don’t have the time, much less the energy, for regular self-care.
Often, we try to do too much on our own. This means we don’t have the inner resources, time or energy available to regroup by ourselves. Independent self-care isn’t realistic when we’re already stretched thin, exhausted and overwhelmed. However, a little therapeutic support in the form of “holding space” can transform me-time deferment into restorative, personal fulfillment that keeps you functioning optimally. Allowing someone else to hold space for you allows you to receive and fully surrender into deep self-healing. This is how, “I’m too tired for self-care” becomes, “I can’t wait for me-time and the demands of life can wait.” Deep restorative healing also improves your focus and time management skills making self-care a tangible investment in productivity, not just another thing on your to-do list.
3. I’ve tried many programs, from gurus to apps, and while they’re nice, it feels like I’m still missing something that I can’t put my finger on.
Most healing programs are about protocols, tools or people – all things that exist outside of you when everything you need already exists within. What’s missing in your holistic toolbox is the ability to access these internal resources when you need them most. Instead of simply accumulating external tools, learn to harness the power within you to become a master of navigating your everyday life. When you are familiar with and can connect to the same natural rhythms that created your whole being from a few cells, you feel in sync with your inner self, knowing and understanding what your body’s telling you. This ability also helps you to settle yourself and access inner wisdom on demand so you can be resilient, go with the flow and feel like yourself no matter what.
The magic wand that transforms these three mindset obstacles into second nature self-care is the safe space to access what already exists within.